Your own AI-powered Flow assistant

Flowsistant is your handy tool in helping users feel more comfortable with confusing onchain transactions.

Simply feed transaction and user address to flowsistant API endpoint

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Hello there!

You are sending an NFT with ID 55 from your address to the recepient at address 0x37139ff112e35a07

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Going full permissionless!

You are linking account 0x26139ff112e35a18 with your account. This will give you full custody of its assets

It will explain transaction in plain english

Do you have this anxiety when sending something important to another address, no matter how frequent you do it? Flowsistant created to remove this anxiety by explaining what transactions do in simple terms. And it can do so with any transaction, thanks to GPT-3

It will warn if something is off

Flowsistant have additional mechanisms to see if transaction is suspicious. There are several systems that will scan transaction

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Are you sure?

Your transaction are interacting with contract that have name of some popular contract, but with different address. This can be a sign of scam, or some new version of contract, please double check before proceeding

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You will lose this account

You are linking your account to 0x26139ff112e35a18. You will lose control of your account after this transaction. Are you sure you want to proceed?

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Scam alert!

Your transaction is interacting with scam address 0x26139ff112e35a18, do NOT proceed!

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Compromised contract!

You are interacting with compromised contract, do NOT proceed!

It will protect

We dont need multiple users to interact with dangerous website. If just one will report it, we can mark it and prevent users from losing funds

Want to test how it work? Here is web interface demonstration